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LM60430AQRPKRQ1 Electronic Components
  • LM60430AQRPKRQ1 Electronic ComponentsLM60430AQRPKRQ1 Electronic Components

LM60430AQRPKRQ1 Electronic Components

Kinglionski is the agent and distributor of Texas Instruments model LM60430AQRPKRQ1 Electronic Components, focusing on the foreign trade of electronic components for 12 years. It only makes new and original packaging, with reasonable price and high quality, and serves most of the European and American markets.

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Product Description

The LM60430AQRPKRQ1 Electronic Components is a synchronous peak-current-mode buck regulator designed for a wide variety of applications. Advanced high speed circuitry allows the device to regulate from an input voltage of 20 V, while providing an output voltage of 3.3 V. The innovative architecture allows the device to regulate a 3.3-V output from an input of only 3.8 V. 

The regulator automatically switches modes between PFM and PWM depending on load. At heavy loads, the device operates in PWM at a constant switching frequency. At light loads, the mode changes to PFM with diode emulation allowing DCM. This reduces the input supply current and keeps efficiency high. The device features internal loop compensation which reduces design time and requires fewer external components than externally compensated regulators.

The LM604x0-Q1 automotive-qualified regulator is an easy-to-use, synchronous, step-down DC/DC converter that delivers best-in-class efficiency for automotive applications. The LM60430-Q1 drives up to 3-A of load current, and the LM60440-Q1 is industry's smallest 4A step-down converter.


Product Features


Main product features


AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications

Functional Safety-Capable

Low EMI and switching noise

High efficiency power conversion at all loads


Infotainment and cluster: USB charge 

Automotive body electronics and lighting

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