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MKL43Z256VMP4 Electronic Components
  • MKL43Z256VMP4 Electronic ComponentsMKL43Z256VMP4 Electronic Components

MKL43Z256VMP4 Electronic Components

Kinglionski is the Chinese agents and distributors of NXP semiconductor model MKL43Z256VMP4 Electronic Components, focusing on the foreign trade of electronic components for 12 years. It only makes new and original packaging, with reasonable price and high quality, and serves most of the European and American markets. MKL43Z256VMP4
NXP semiconductor(NXP) is a newly independent semiconductor company and the world's largest automotive semiconductor supplier.MKL43Z256VMP4 belongs to ARM microcontroller - MCU .Among the top ten MCU manufacturers in the world in 2021, NXP ranked first with sales of $3.795 billion.

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Product Description

Product Introduction

The MKL43Z256VMP4 Electronic Components is optimized for cost-sensitive and batterypowered applications requiring low-power USB connectivity and segment LCD.The product offers:

①Low power segment LCD up to 24x8 or 28x4

②USB FS 2.0 device without requiring an external crystal

③Embedded ROM with boot loader for flexible program upgrade

④High accuracy internal voltage and clock reference

⑤FlexIO to support any standard and customized serial peripheral emulation

⑥Down to 54uA/MHz in very low power run mode and 1.96uA in deep sleep mode (RAM + RTC retained)


Product Clocks

48MHz high accuracy (up to 0.5%) internal reference clock

8MHz/2MHz high accuracy (up to 3%) internal reference clock

1KHz reference clock active under all low-power modes (except VLLS0) 32–40KHz and 3–32MHz crystal oscillator


Product Packages

64 LQFP 10mm x 10mm, 0.5mm pitch, 1.6mm thickness

64 MAPBGA 5mm x 5mm, 0.5mm pitch, 1.23mm thickness


Security and Integrity

bit unique identification number per chip

Advanced flash security


AC electrical characteristics

Unless otherwise specified, propagation delays are measured from the 50% to the 50% point, and rise and fall times are measured at the 20% and 80% points, as shown in the following figure.

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